Methodological techniques for improving the level of technical preparedness of basketball players performing in the Russian championship

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Relevance. Basketball has been undergoing changes since its inception to the present. In the modern sense, it is an athletic game with a large number of technical and tactical actions demonstrated by the players. The effectiveness of the game is growing, this is due to an increase in the number of attacks, which in turn leads to an improvement in the technical readiness of players. The need to improve the efficiency of the performance of technical techniques by professional basketball players, actualizes the need to develop appropriate methodological techniques. The purpose of the study is to develop methodological techniques for improving the level of technical preparedness of professional basketball players. In the course of our research, the following research methods were used: analysis of literary sources; pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment and mathematical statistics. The results of the study. During the study, it was found that the effectiveness of attacks was: throws from an average distance of 44.3%; long-range throws of 29.1% and penalties - 65%. Technical actions showed the following figures: attacking passes - 16.3 times; picking up the ball on your own shield 24.1 times and picking up on someone else's shield 9.8 times. When comparing the data obtained with the model values, a critical difference was revealed (more than 5%). The developed methodological techniques for improving the level of technical preparedness of professional basketball players were based on the high intensity of the motor action and its coordination complexity. Conclusion. The significant changes obtained in the course of the study give us the opportunity to recommend that the proposed methodological techniques for improving the technical skills of basketball players be included in the training process of the teams of masters.


Basketball, professional basketball players, technical readiness, distance shots, free throw, ball selection, attacking passes

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IDR: 142234217

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