Linguistic modeling technique of the subject field «civil engineering» (on the basis of English and Russian terminological units)

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The present article deals with the linguistic modeling technique of the civil engineering term system in the English and Russian languages. The basic stages of the civil engineering term system modeling process with the sequential description of research procedures are represented. The purpose of this paper is developing and describing the linguistic model of the term system “Civil engineering”, as well as comparing the terminological units content structure in the English and Russian languages. The basis for the present research is the definition of the term; the author marks out the base word-identifier of a principle cognitive characteristic, this characteristic being taken up to the base of a term field formation. The application of this procedure proves that the whole corpus of the civil engineering terms can be represented by three term fields or partial term systems that have a hierarchical structure - MATERIALS, PROCESSES, OFFICIAL OR UNOFFICIAL TEXTS in the English language; MATERIALY, PROTSESSY, DOKUMENTATSIYA in Russian. The proposed model of the civil engineering term system can be taken as the basis of the systematizing thesaurus.


Linguistic modeling, civil engineering term system, method of graded identification, term microfield, partial term system, terminological thesaurus

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IDR: 147153971

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