Methodology for organizing lexical work for forming universal learning actions of students of 5-9 grades in Russian language lessons

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This article examines the problem of organizing lexical work in Russian language lessons, which is one of the most relevant in the methodology of teaching the Russian language. The formation of communicative competence largely depends on the effectiveness of such work, which implies mastery of all types of speech activity and the fundamentals of the culture of oral and written speech, skills and abilities of using language in various spheres and communication situations, corresponding to the experience, interests, psychological characteristics of primary school students at different its stages.

Speech activity, lexical work, types of speech activity and the foundations of the culture of oral and written speech, universal educational activities, regulatory, cognitive, communicative, personal

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IDR: 170203272   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-1-132-135

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