The methods of calculation of electric repeller parameters for the protection of agrarian and industrial complex from blue pigeon

Автор: Ashikhmin A.A., Andreev L.N., Surinsky D.O.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 9, 2017 года.

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For effective scaring away of synanthropic birds it is necessary to consider zoopsychological fea-tures of rational birds’ activity. The greatest interest in this aspect is represented by intimidation dis-tance. The distance at which the birds are kept from the object constituting its danger is called the distance of intimidation. For Tyumen Region the most widespread representative of synanthropic birds is a blue rock pigeon. Relying on the re-searches of A.V. Baranovsky and N.V. Avdeeva and having carried out cooperation with ornithol-ogists, the values of the distance of intimidation of pigeons, characteristic for Tyumen Region were defined. The objective of the research was the as-sessment of the efficiency of scaring away of synanthropic birds by means of electronic and ion technology. For the achievement of the purpose the following tasks were set: to determine the range of the area protected by section of electric intimidation of birds (EIB) theoretically and to estimate the effi-ciency of scaring away synanthropic birds by means of electronic and ion technology. On the basis of literary resources and the results of pilot studies the mathematical model determining the estimated area protected by section EIB was con-structed. The distance of intimidation was one of the criteria of the assessment of overall perfor-mance of EIB. At the moment the question of over-all performance of frightening-off devices assess-ment remains low-studied. For the assessment of the efficiency of scaring away of synanthropic birds by means of electronic and ion technology the con-cept of effectiveness ratio of scaring away was used. It is possible to make the assumption that this coefficient will help to define the efficiency of scaring away technologies and devices relating to as traditional and electrophysical. Carrying out the experiment showed that there is certain depend-ence between the duration of the lack of pigeons on protected object and lasting of frightening-off actions.


Synanthropic birds, electrophysical method, area of protection, efficiency of scaring away

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IDR: 140224286

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