Methods of endurance development in preparation to fulfill the regulatory requirements of the GTO complex for preschool children

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The relevance of the work is determined by the special significance of aerobic exercises performed during the development of endurance to achieve the health-improving effect of physical education. At the same time, due attention is currently not paid to the development of endurance in preschool educational organizations (pre-school), as evidenced by the extremely low level of endurance development in children. At the same low level of endurance, the health-improving potential of aerobic exercises cannot be realized. The main reason for this situation is, first of all, an extremely small amount of exercises for the development of endurance, provided for by Exemplary educational programs for preschool and the lack of uniform regulatory requirements for the development of this physical quality in children graduating from preschool. The aim of the study, the results of which are presented in the article, is to substantiate, develop and present a methodology for developing endurance in preschool children with a focus on meeting the regulatory requirements of the TRP complex. Research methods. The study used methods of studying literature (to analyze the state of endurance development in children and substantiate the main approaches to the development of innovative methods) and program and methodological documents (to identify the causes of low indicators). During the formative experiment, to assess the effectiveness, a testing method was used with subsequent statistical processing (Student's criterion) and analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of the TRP standards in the 1000 m run. The results of the study consist in the development of a methodology for the development of endurance in children of the preparatory group, focused on meeting the regulatory requirements of the TRP complex. The main features of the technique are: a gradual, significant increase in running load at low intensity; systematic, fractional alternation of running exercises with rest pauses (or performing other exercises); ensuring diversity by including game situations and, in indoor conditions, the direction of running (snake, diagonal, etc.), etc.


Preschool children, endurance development, methodology, standards, trp complex, correction

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IDR: 142234522

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