Methodological prospects of the didactic modeling of sociology

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The work makes an attempt to analyze the problem of methodological capabilities of didactic modeling in the sphere of modern sociological science. The author transposes certain concepts and categories of synergistic paradigm into those of sociology, also raising one more scientific-educational problem - teaching scientific disciplines as educational courses. The work suggests one of the possible variants of the model of sociology as a study discipline. The program is described with the usage of conceptual and categorial apparatus from the sphere of synergetics. In current situation, when social sciences experience the pressure of "pluralism" of paradigmal attitudes and their methodological toolkit is characterized by constant change, transposition of the content of a scientific discipline into an educational one is a nontrivial task for an educator.


Social-anthropocentric reality, genome of social evolving system (social gevos), social fractal, social attractor, social evolving system (social evos), social autopoesis

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IDR: 14489823

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