The methodology of an estimation and structural analysis university publishing activity by means of search engine Google Scholar (on an example of the border Byelorussia-Russian-Ukrainian university consortium)

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The methodology of an estimation and a structural analysis university publishing activity by means of search engine Google Scholar is suggested in the work on an example of Border Byelorussian-Russian- Ukrainian university consortium. It is based on tests of all spectrum of English-language names of universities for seven fields of knowledge and five-years time intervals by means of requests in the above mentioned search engine. The detailed, aggregated and ordered generalized publishing structures for consortiums universities were constructed. The offered in the article methodological tools can be useful to realization webometrical university benchmarking (monitoring, audit) at all levels - international, national, regional, corporative (associations of universities), intra-university.


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142139819

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