Methods of Ensuring Official Discipline and Educational Work of Prison Officers in Saratov Province in the Late XIX-Early XX Century
Автор: Eremenko Ilya Pavlovich
Журнал: Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research @bulletensocial
Статья в выпуске: 24 (26), 2024 года.
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The article is devoted to the issues of ensuring official discipline and implementation of educational work among prison officers of Saratov Province in the late XIX - early XX centuries. The methodological basis of the study was the principles of scientific objectivity and historicism. Applying historical-systemic, problem-chronological and retrospective methods and relying on the experience of service in institutions and bodies of the penal system, the author has done the work on comparing the measures aimed at maintaining official discipline in the prison department, and the organization of educational activities with employees.
System, prison, service, oath, encouragement, penalty, punishment, warden
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 14131271 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14277730