Methods of increasing motivation for choreography lessons in students of higher education institutions of culture

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This article touches upon the problem of motivation for the activities of students-choreographers of universities of culture and art, without which the most effective pedagogical methods and technologies do not bring the desired result. The problem is relevant for the system of higher choreographic education. The paper considers the methods of stimulating motivation for activity, which, in the author's opinion, bring the greatest benefit in the formation of motivation for choreographic activity. The revealed methods are tested during the ascertaining and forming experiment in the system of higher education of choreographers. The author gives statistical data of the changes that have taken place with the motivation of choreographer students to work, after the introduction of a set of selected methods for stimulating motivation. Analysis of the data shows that during the experiment the number of students with a positive motive for activity in the second and third year of the Samara State Institute of Culture increased significantly and the number of students with a negative motive for activity decreased (from 53% to 0%) and (from 66% to 0 %). For first-year students, the changes are not statically significant, due to the fact that a positive motive for activity was observed among choreographer students in the first year of study and amounted to (89%). This led to the conclusion that the primary task of a teacher of a modern university will be to promote the emergence of positive motives for activity, before introducing new methods and technologies for teaching students.


Motivation, positive motive for activity, negative motive for activity, students-choreographers, motivation for choreographic activity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148327211   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-92-47-54

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