The teacher’s cross-cultural competence in the context of modern education

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The problem of relevance of the teacher’s cross-cultural competence in the conditions of the multinational state is described in this article. The training of a person for effective activity and communication in the conditions of the polycultural environment, which is connected with understanding of cultural diversity, tolerant attitude towards this variety and capacity for cultural conformity, is represented as one of important problems of modern education. In this regard the important prerequisite of the solution to the task of training of highly-qualified specialists is the development of cross-cultural (multiethnic, ethnopedagogical) competence of the teacher. The modern teacher has to be ready for implementation of interpersonal and public communication in multiethnic educational environment taking into account cultural and specific and ethnopsychological features of representatives of different nationalities, on the basis of observance of the principles of tolerant attitude towards representatives of various nationalities, their cultures, beliefs, traditions, languages. In any class of any Russian school there can be representatives of various ethnic and religious groups side by side. The difference of mentalities will inevitably be shown both in the course of communication and interpersonal interaction and in the educational process. How to cope with all this variety? How can the teacher get out of difficult situations, without offending the national identity of a child? How to create amicable atmosphere in the class, to help trainees to overcome ethnic stereotypes and to avoid international conflicts? The teacher able to listen and state his point of view, participating in the discussion of national and ethical problems, showing tact in the assessment of historical events, ceremonies, traditions of other people, knowing historical and cultural heritage of various people, possessing the main methods in the conditions of multiethnic educational environment can find answers to all these questions.


Cross-cultural competence, polycultural competence, polycultural educational environment, polycultural education, cultural diversity, tolerance

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IDR: 148102119

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