Microgreens: a newly merging product, aspects, prospectives, and disadvantages

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In this article we demonstrate the connotation of microgreens, the newly merging product in the Russian market. Microgreens are normal plants planted in highly density on a substrate medium and harvested shortly after the first true leaves appear. Microgreens of many aromatic plants possess intensive flavour similar to its mature product. We also expound the aspects related to this product, including growth, harvesting time, Seeds utilization, light requirements, available suitable substrate, as well as the disadvantages related to its production. There is still a lot of controversy about the health benefits of consuming microgreens. Some researchers believe that there is currently not enough scientific evidence to support a higher nutrient level in microgreens than in mature plants. In this review, we discuss whether microgreening is a great addition to gardening or not. Still, other prospects for the future of this product indicates that the demand of the market for the microgreens will be strong especially with the wide spread of home-growing facilities like phytotrons and simple growing chambers.


Microgreens, nutritional value, antioxidants, superfood, vitamins, production

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140257309

IDR: 140257309   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2021-1-102-107

Список литературы Microgreens: a newly merging product, aspects, prospectives, and disadvantages

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