Milk productivity, composition and properties of cows milk of various lines in the conditions of the Oryol region

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Milk processing is growing rapidly in the Oryol Region. At the same time, 57 agricultural organizations and 47 farm (and personal subsidiary) plots are involved in dairy cattle breeding in the region, containing 32 thousand dairy cows in total. To realize the production potential of the dairy subcomplex and the further expansion of the Oryol region as a processing cluster, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive studies to investigate the composition and properties of milk from cows of various origins to identify the most promising genotypes. This work aimed to study milk productivity, composition, and properties of milk of Black-and-White cows of various linear affiliation, bred in the Oryol region. The objectives of the study were to determine the indicators of milk productivity, the qualitative composition of milk, and the physicochemical properties of milk from cows of various lines of Black-and-White Holstein cattle bred in the Oryol region. In terms of milk yield for 305 days of lactation, the superiority of Reflection Sovereign cows over Vis Back Ideal and Montvik Chieftain cows was 11.6% and 11.2%, respectively. In terms of milk fat, the superiority was 12.1% and 10.2%, respectively. The amount of milk protein and sugar produced by Reflection Sovereign cows for 305 days of lactation exceeded these indicators in Vis Back Ideal and Montvik Chieftain cows by 12.0-10.5% and 12.2-9.6%, respectively. In terms of mass fraction of casein, the performance of the Montvik Chieftain cows was 1.6% higher than the Vis Back Ideal and Reflection Sovereign cows. Cows of the Montvik Chieftain line showed a similar superiority over cows of the first and third groups and in terms of the mass fraction of milk sugar - by 2.1% and by 1.8%. The content of MSNF in milk was also higher in the Montvik Chieftain cows in comparison with Vis Back Ideal - by 1.6%. The studies allowed us to conclude that the milk of the cows of the experimental groups did not differ in the studied physical and chemical properties. At the same time, milk from cows of the Vis Back Ideal, Montvik Chieftain, and Reflection Sovereign lines met all the requirements of GOST 31449-2013 "Raw cow's milk".


Line of cows, lactation, milk yield, milk fat, milk protein, casein, milk minerals, SNF, titratable milk acidity, milk density

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147231013

Список литературы Milk productivity, composition and properties of cows milk of various lines in the conditions of the Oryol region

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