Mitigation of Byzantine attack using LSP algorithm in CR Networks through Blockchain Technology

Автор: Amith K.S., Yerriswamy T.

Журнал: International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies @ijwmt

Статья в выпуске: 6 Vol.13, 2023 года.

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In the past couple of years, the research on the Byzantine attack and its defense strategies has gained the worldwide increasing attention. In this paper, we present a secure protocol to escape from the Byzantine attack in the cognitive radio networks. This protocol is implemented using the Lamport-Shostak-Pease algorithm and blockchain technology. A reliable distributed computing system must be able to handle the faulty components to deliver the error less performance. These faulty components send the conflicting information to the other parts of the system. As a result, it creates a problem which is similar to the Byzantine Generals Problem (BGP). In order to design a reliable system, it is necessary to identify and overlook such faulty components. In the cognitive radio networks, there are the two types of users i.e. primary and secondary users. The primary users hold the licensed spectrum whereas the secondary users hold the leased spectrum. In these CR networks, there can be a similar problem like BGP while allocating the spectrum to the secondary users. Also, it requires all the users to agree on a common value, even with some faulty users in the network. This is called as the Byzantine Agreement. Here we have addressed this Byzantine General problem to develop a reliable and secure spectrum allocation using the Lamport-Shostak-Pease algorithm. It can solve the BGP for n≥3m+1 users in the presence of ‘m’ faulters. In this implementation, the blockchain technology is used as the efficient decentralized database which records all the transactions of the users, like exchanging currency, mining, updating the blockchain and auctioning the spectrum for lease.


Blockchain Technology, Byzantine attack, Security, Lamport-Shostak-Pease Algorithm, Secure Blockchains and Cognitive Radio

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 15019237   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2023.06.04

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