M.M. Bakhtin about the peculiarities of the methodology of the humanities

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The subject of the research: the methodological theory of Mikhail Bakhtin. The object of the research: main characteristic features of the methodology of the humanities. The purpose of the project : to consider the main methodological features of the humanities in the interpretation of Bakhtin. The methodology of the research : analysis of Bakhtin's texts in order to identify and interpret the basic concepts and categories that characterize the specifics of humanitarian cognition. The results of the research : the author attributed the following methodological characteristics to the humanities: personal orientation of humanitarian knowledge; empathy; focusing on specific and unique events; subjectivity of cognition; priority of understanding over explanation; dialogism; contextuality; taking into account the cultural specifics of knowledge; creative nature of cognitive activity; awareness of fundamental incompleteness of the humanities; responsible behavior of the researcher. Application of the results: as possible methodological guidelines for contemporary cultural, literary, ethical studies, as well as in the further theoretical development of philosophical and methodological problems of the humanities. Conclusion : Bakhtin's creative legacy can be regarded as an attempt to implement a large-scale plan to unite life and art, act and text on the basis of a unified methodology of the humanities, focused on the active self-disclosure of the object of cognition in one's own actions and words. It sets the methodological prerequisites for considering the aesthetic and moral worlds as a whole, allowing synthesizing ethics and philology.


Mikhail bakhtin, methodology, humanities, culture, ethics, philology, responsibility, understanding, dialogue, personality

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148312859

ID: 148312859
