Modelling of the axisymmetric precision electrochemical shaping

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The problem on modelling of a precision shaping and boundary conditions are formulated according to Faraday's law and with applying of stepwise dependence current efficiency on current density. The problem is reduced to the solution of a boundary problem for definition of two analytical functions of the complex variable. The first function is a conformal mapping of region of parametrical variable on the physical plane. In order to determine this function we use the Schwartz's integral and a spline interpolation. Unlike a plane problem for determination of potential and stream function of an axisymmetric field, the integration transformations of the second analytical function are used. The analytical function is defined in the form of a sum of two addends. The first addend takes into account the singularities of the function so that the second addend has no singularities. The second function is defined by the Schwartz's integral. Interpolation by spline functions is carried out, where the spline coefficients are derivatives of these functions by means of which the intensity vector components are calculated. We propose the method to solve the axisymmetric stationary problems, which differs from the known methods by the accuracy. By means of the method, we obtain the numerical results, describing the workpiece form. The error estimation of the obtained results is carried out. Also, we show qualitative coincidence with results of plane problem solution.


Electrochemical shaping, stepwise function, precision model, error estimation

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IDR: 147232982   |   DOI: 10.14529/mmp200103

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