Modernization of institutions of traditional culture as a factor in the crisis area

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The article is devoted to revealing the relationship between the modernisation of the institutions of traditional culture and development crisis territory, analysis of the specifics of economic relations in the Republic of Dagestan. Reveals the mechanism of influence on economic behavior of economic entities elements oftraditional culture and traditional society, in particular - ofthe Institute of seniority, and the Institute of kinship. The main political instrument of crisis management and Strategy of socio-economic development of the crisis of the territory is determined by the modernization of the entire complex of social-economic institutions. Scientific analysis of traditional institutions, culture and traditional society, determination of ways of their modernization should be the cornerstone of researches of regional economic science. The main instrument of crisis management and implementation ofthe Strategy of socio-economic development ofthe crisis ofthe public acts, in our view, the modernization ofthe entire complex of social and economic institutions.


Traditional culture, traditional society, the crisis area, seniority institute, the institute of kinship, the traditional economic system, modernization, industrialization

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IDR: 14489720

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