Modernism of the beginning of the 20th century and its principles of artistic comprehension of the modern world

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The article considers the process of the formation of modernism in the context of the positions of some modern researchers of the history of artistic culture. Systematically comprehended the historical prerequisites for the emergence of modernism: natural, scientific, social, artistic, which formed the basis for a new picture of the world of the twentieth century. The conclusion is drawn in the article about the cultural diversity of the origins of modernism. Artistic and creative basis of modernism was the search for new expressive forms, the cultural drama of creativity itself, which was reflected in the works of outstanding personalities of the twentieth century. The epistemological basis here was individualism, alienation from the contradictory realities of the objective world, elements of mysticism, “mechanization”, the rationalization of the attitude to the world and the euphoric forms of emotionalism. The article attempts to reveal the main stages in the formation of modernism as a social and cultural phenomenon.


Culture, art, modern, painting, artistic culture, artists

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IDR: 144160768

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