Mongolian coal industry exploration and recent situation

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In this paper, i try to study coal exploration in domestic and international market and their future trend compired with other producers. Mongolia produced 1.22% and exported 5.7% from the total coal production in the Asian Pacific by the 2011. By the way Mongolian coal exploration amount increased 30% or reached 32.9 million tonnes. The our domestic demand just rised in that time. In the 2009, the coal exploration sharp increased by 128.9% and it excessed from the rate of GDP and Mining&Quarring. But it became 0.6% growth share in the GDP. Maybe, it is related on world economic crisis and market pricedown. The industrial total production value rate has fluctuation recent years. Therefore, the international market supply and demand, and world market price influenced on the GDP value, just related on mining production.


Coal deposit, coal exploration, coal consumption, exploration permission- special permission

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IDR: 148317652

Список литературы Mongolian coal industry exploration and recent situation

  • Asia-Pacific center for security studies.
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  • Goverment Implementing Agency. Mineral Resource Authority. Coal Research Department. Mongolian coal industrial recent situation and trend 2012.
  • Монгол улсын их хурлын тогтоол. Монгол улсын бүсүүдийн хөгжлийн дунд хугацааны стратеги батлах тухай. 2003.
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