The moral and psychological climate as a factor of social adaptation of law students to the educational environment of the university

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The article analyzes the main factors of adaptation of law students to the conditions of study at the university. Schools and higher education institutions differ significantly in the forms of organization of the educational process, the content of educational material, and the requirements for students. This implies the urgency of the problem of adaptation of first-year students. Young people, finding themselves in a university educational environment, face a number of subjective difficulties. The author characterizes the external signs and manifestations of adaptation and maladaptation of students. The dual nature of the term "adaptation" is noted - it is the process of adapting a person to certain conditions and the result of this process (adaptability). The external conditions of adaptation include the nature of relationships in a social group, the rules and traditions of the collective, and the influence of the social environment as a whole. Internal ones include the psychological characteristics of the individual, norms, values perceived and assimilated by the personality, self-esteem. An essential psychological and pedagogical factor in the adaptation of first-year law students is the moral and psychological climate. The structural elements of the moral and psychological climate, the causes and characteristics of a favorable and unfavorable moral and psychological climate are revealed. A favorable moral and psychological climate is formed by sanitary and genetic learning conditions, technical equipment of classrooms, proper work and rest regime of students, stable motivation of students, the work of the teaching staff and the university administration. The state of the moral and psychological climate and, consequently, the adaptation of students is influenced by the use of special interactive methods of teaching legal disciplines, active extracurricular work, participation in the life of students of the special psychological assistance service, the institute of curatorship.


Moral and psychological climate, adaptation, law students, interactive teaching methods, psychological service at the university, supervision

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IDR: 170204928   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-4-3-203-209

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