The motive of solitude and its interpretation in the novels of G.G. Marques and J. M. Coetzee

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The article represents comparative analysis of the motive of solitude in the books of Latin American writer G. G. Marques and South African writer J. M. Coetzee. The motive is studied woth the help of the analysis of the solitude model's main components, which identify the world vision of both authors. Such components are: topos, History, the genesis of solitude, relationship between God and Man in the context of our problem. We study the common ideas and the differences between the authors, which come from myphological world vision of G. G. Marques and rational and critical perception of J.M. Coetzee.

Solitude, topos, history, myth, g. g. marques, j. m. coetzee, mitive

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