Mountain-xerophytic vegetation type found in Daridag

Автор: Heydarova A.

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Биологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 7 т.10, 2024 года.

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Information about the mountain-xerophytic type of vegetation of the Daridag area is presented. Areas at an altitude of 1200-1600 m above sea level are characterized by plant species with mountain xerophytic vegetation. Mountain xerophytic flora is not homogeneous and represents a set of individual phytocenosis. Ephemeral plants play an important role in this vegetation. In addition to ephemerals, the vegetation includes bulbous, tuberous, and various grasses, mainly: Rhamnus pallasii Fisch. & C. A. Mey. , Astragalus microcephalus Willd. , Astragalus beckerianus Trautv., Astragalus aduncus Willd., Thymus kotschyanus Boiss. & Hohen., T. collinus M. Bieb., Euphorbia seguieriana Neck., Caragana grandiflora (M. Bieb.) DC., Atraphaxis spinosa L., Acanthophyllum mucronatum C. A. Mey., Zygophyllum atriplicoides Fisch. & C. A. Mey., Z. fabago L., Acantholimon araxanum Bunge etc. In total, the study identified 6 groups of formations and 16 associations. These include thorn shrubs, monodominant tragacanth xerophytic shrubs, cushion xerophytic shrubs, subshrub phrygana and mixed shrubs, which are included in the mountain xerophytic vegetation type. The phytocenosis of mixed herbaceous shrubs is comprised of 35 species, of which 10 species are shrubs (28.56%), 1 species is a semi-shrub (2.86%), 1 species is a shrub (2.86%), 2 species are semi-shrubs (5.72%), and 21 species are perennial and biennial (60%) plants. With regard to their life forms, of the 21 species included in the monodominant tragacanth xerophytic shrub grouping, three species are shrub-like, two species are shrubs, two species are semi-shrubs, and 14 species are perennial grasses.


Daridag, mountain-xerophyte vegetation type, phytocenosis, formation, association

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14130529   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/104/06

Список литературы Mountain-xerophytic vegetation type found in Daridag

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