Multilevel evaluation of quality interactive electronic technical manuals for aviation technology

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The method of multi-level quality assessment of interactive electronic technical manuals (IETM) for aircraft con- tains the main approaches, methodological and logical-mathematical tools for the implementation of multiparameter evaluation of the quality of electronic content of these manuals. The paper postulated that the goal of assessing the quality of IETM for aviation equipment is to obtain a consolidated conclusion on the degree of satisfaction of the need to create interactive electronic technical manuals in the conditions of vagueness of the initial expert data used for evaluation. It is shown that the quality assessment of interactive electronic technical manuals for the operation and repair of aviation equipment is obviously linked to non-numeric or “soft” measurements, due to the fuzzy nature of the initial qualimetric data obtained from an expert. In this version, “measurement” should be understood as a manipulation in which some strictly ordered quality gradations correlate in accordance with the IETM for the operation and repair of aviation equipment properties. In the role of quantitative measurement results, not only real numbers are considered, but also other algebraic groups that necessarily have an order relation between their elements, that is, a similarity of the inequality relation between numbers. The multi-level quality assessment of interactive electronic technical manuals for aeronautical engineering consists of the following steps: 1. Imagery of numerical vectors of values of elementary quality indicators; 2. Calculation of ranks that determine the significance of quality indicators in their compositions based on fuzzy and (or) insufficient initial data on the compositional significance of more particular indicators in the composition of more aggregated indi- cators: 3. Calculation of elementary indicators values and ratings of importance based on numerical vectors, for the analyzed performance of IETM on the operation and repair of aircraft, the values of the integral quality indicator, as the weighted arithmetic average of mathematical similar to a particular indicators.


Interactive electronic technical manuals, aviation technology, multi-level assessment, quality parameters

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IDR: 148321874   |   DOI: 10.31772/2587-6066-2018-19-4-605-612

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