Museum of the higher education as a form of the university gomosphere: experience of the creation of the humanitarian project in the technical university

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The article presents a fundamentally new approach to the study of the university as a sociocultural phenomenon through humanitarian forms, namely: the university museum. Conclusion: possessing phenomenal opportunities associated with the socialization and consolidation of students and teachers, humanitarization of space in the local and global dimensions, the university is a multidimensional humanitarian space, where a huge number of actions, aspirations and images expressed in various forms intersect. The homosphere of the university, on the one hand, is conditioned by the historical conditions of its activity, and on the other - by the sociocultural modi. The diverse university environment, due to cultural, ethnic, social and other contexts, is unique, but it also represents a whole problem for effective communication. The university museum is one of the centers of discourse, designed, on the one hand, to store and transmit the sociocultural experience accumulated by the university in the entire history of its existence, and on the other, they are needed to understand the values of the past and the meanings of the present. Along with other humanitarian projects of the university, today the museum is a strategic resource of the university, acts as a universal communication platform for broadcasting the university’s corporate culture to the external environment, securing the status of an intellectual flagship that actualizes new trends, sets new impulses for movement and trends in the development of a city, region and countries.


University homosphere, humanitarian space, university museum, "geniuses of place", socio-cultural institute

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ID: 148314310
