Museum exhibition as a reflection of the musical history of the Samara Philharmonic society

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The article discusses the main aspects of creating the Museum display devoted to the history of the Samara Philharmonic, associated with the characteristic aspects of its development. The essential document was the conception that was developed to reflect the historic priorities in view of available materials. The main issues that the author faced in the first place were connected with the arranging of the allotted hall and creating the large thematic display, maximum usage of equipment, respecting of the interrelation of historical and cultural aspects and project priorities. The main features of the exposition had been identified. They include such concepts as spatial openness and presentation layers, "Museum historicism", Museum equipment. The scientific principles provided by the article are reflected in development, not only in the very structure of the exhibition, but also in solving main design issues focusing on the musical set of the main theme. The main artistic principles and means of their implementation had been examined. The article also takes into account the peculiarities of the exposure, considering the solving of zoning issues as the most important components of the display, which had managed to reflect not only historical content, but also to present the artistic value of the Museum objects, while maintaining the artistic and figural homogeneity of the object environment. The issues related to solving the main tasks of the scientific organization and the designing of the exhibition space, as well as the ways of their development had been examined.


Structure of the display, documentary and historical materials, open designing, composition gesture, imagery, museum complex, musical culture, historical and cultural aspects, exhibition space

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IDR: 148102451

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