Research of nanomaterials properties. Рубрика в журнале - Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal

Modeling flexibility of nanocomposite pipelines
Статья научная
Pipes for oil and gas pipelines made of nanocomposite materials are increasingly used. The most common manufacture of composite piping is by winding fiberglass onto a rotating mandrel. With continuous winding, it is possible to choose the angle of laying the threads – the so-called angle of reinforcement. Depending on its value, as well as on the angle of curvature of the pipeline when its axis deviates from the straight direction, the strength indicators of the pipe change. The article discusses the modeling of the flexibility behavior of a composite pipeline of a curved shape. It is curved pipelines that are in the most difficult operating conditions, accompanied by the manifestation of the Karman effect in the pipe turning angles. As a modeling parameter, a coefficient of increase in the flexibility of the pipe is adopted. Influencing factors are the angle of reinforcement of the composite and the angle of curvature of the axis of the pipeline. An analysis of the results of the calculation performed earlier showed that in the range of reinforcement angles from 0о to 85о the dynamics of the coefficient of increase in pipe flexibility is different. Mathematical models have been developed for two ranges of values for the coefficient of increase in the flexibility of a composite pipe. Modeling error averages no more than 2%.