Directions of integration of youth of the Kyrgyz Republic into the sphere of peace and security: in the context of education of personnel of national internal affairs

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The article presents an analysis of a topical issue concerning the understanding of the importance of participation of various institutions of state power of the Kyrgyz Republic in solving a wide range of issues of work with youth. Recognizing young people as a vulnerable group of society, the author draws special attention: firstly, to the areas of work to provide young people with more comfortable conditions for their peaceful and safe development, which is the key to maintaining stability in society; secondly, to the need to organize appropriate education of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies.

Youth policy, human capital, peace, security, extremism, society, kyrgyz republic

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170207256   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-4-172-174

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