People's commissar P. A. Tyurkin

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In article investigated biography of Peter Andreevich Tyurkin - soviet statesman 1920s - 1940. Special attention is paid for the period, when P. A. Tyurkin was the People's Commissar of enlightenment in Soviet Russia. We innovative principal measures of Narkompros to development of culture, education and soviet librarian system. We shows the achievements and problems of native culture in P. A. Tyurkin's direction. So, reprisals against culture and libraries managers was continued. We studied the activity of P. A. Tyurkin after World War, including arrest and him death in prison. Innovative some motives of this events.

Peter andreevich tyurkin, history of soviet culture and libraries, political reprisals in 1930s - 1940s

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IDR: 144160403

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