Mentoring as an element of quality training of qualified staff in VEO

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Russian President V. V. Putin declared 2023 the Year of the Teacher and Mentor. The issue of mentoring attracts the attention of teachers primarily as a relevant practice in the social and educational spheres. The effectiveness of the mentoring institute for solving educational, career guidance and other important tasks has been proven and recognized at the state level. The leading role is given to mentoring in the implementation of the national project “Education”, approved in 2018 and aimed at achieving two key objectives of modern education - ensuring the global competitiveness of Russian education and the inclusion of the Russian Federation among the ten leading countries in the world in terms of the quality of general education; education of a harmoniously developed and socially responsible personality based on the spiritual and moral values of the peoples of the Russian Federation, historical and national-cultural traditions. This article describes the activities of the South Ural Energy College within the framework of the regional innovation platform, aimed at improving the mentoring system based on project management. The main content of the study is a description of the mechanism for implementing the project, which includes two stages - creating conditions for launching and direct implementation of the project. The article presents five forms of mentoring, analyzes existing projects within each form, shows the results of diagnostics, the purpose, tasks and stages of implementation, and the characteristics of various forms of mentoring. The authors come to the conclusion that the mentoring program developed as part of an innovative project allows you to gain experience, knowledge, develop skills and values faster than any other means of transfer, which is very important in the modern world.


Secondary vocational education, mentoring, forms of mentoring, mentor, mentee, project management

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142240204

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