Mentor of a professional educational organization: competencies and personal qualities

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The completion of the Year of the Teacher and Mentor does not remove the relevance of the implementation of mentoring as a pedagogical technology in educational institutions. Due to the rapid aging of teachers and the shortage of personnel in the education system (especially young teachers), it is important to provide aspiring teachers with a support system, the most important element of which is the improvement of activities in the field of mentoring, which in turn requires an increase in the number of mentors with competencies in this area and certain personality qualities. Currently, both in monographs and in scientific periodicals, the issue of professional competencies and personal qualities of mentors needs additional study in connection with the emergence of the professional standard “Mentor”, as well as the demand for the practice of a competency-based mentor model, which, in addition to professional ones, would also include supra-professional competencies, allowing to increase the effectiveness of mentoring, optimize personal resources to achieve results, and also make the moral and psychological climate more favorable when implementing mentoring practices. As part of the projects of the ANO “Russia - the Land of Opportunities”, the competencies of specialists in various fields are currently being studied and appropriate models are being formed, but research has not yet touched upon the formation of a model of mentor competencies, although this process is significant in the vast majority of industries and areas of activity of the Russian Federation. This article analyzes the professional competencies of a mentor in accordance with the draft professional standard, an attempt is made to adapt professional competencies to the characteristics of the activities of a mentor of a teaching worker in professional educational organizations of the Chelyabinsk region, and puts forward a hypothesis about the composition of the supra-professional competencies of a mentor of a teaching worker, which in turn will improve the quality of education and training of students of a professional educational organization.


Competence, competency, competency model, professional competencies, supra-professional competencies, professional educational organization, continuous professional development, knowledge management, quality of professional education

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IDR: 142240231

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