National projects in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Автор: Gagiev Nikolay N., Goncharenko Lyudmila P., Sybachin Sergey A., Shestakova Anna A.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Political processes and institutions

Статья в выпуске: 41, 2020 года.

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In 2021, the Russian Federation will assume the chairmanship of the Arctic Council. This fact confirms the special attention of the country’s leadership to the unique geostrategic region. In December 2020, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, at an online meeting with volunteers and finalists of the contest “Volunteer of Russia”, noted that Russia would grow with the Arctic and the territories of the North. Many Russian citizens’ lives and the state’s success in the international arena depend on this territory’s development. One of the most important mechanisms for achieving the stated goals is national projects (NP), which should make a significant contribution to the development of the country’s territory. The purpose of the study is to assess NP in the subjects that are entirely related to the Arctic zone: Murmansk region, Nenets Autonomous okrug (NAO), Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous okrug (YANAO), and Chukotka Autonomous okrug (CHAO). In the course of the work, general scientific research methods were applied: comparative analysis, data comparison, induction, deduction, etc. The study results showed that, despite all the differences in economic and geographical position, financial condition, population, and regional development priorities, all Arctic regions have similar problems that hinder the effective development of territories. Without solving the problems indicated in the work, it is impossible to expect a qualitative «breakthrough» and implement the NP’s goals.


North, arctic, region, national project, regional project, socio-economic development

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148318364   |   DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2020.41.113

Список литературы National projects in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

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