Scientific atheistic education of students in chemistry lessons

Бесплатный доступ

In the light of the legislative events in Russia in 2022 related to the strengthening of spiritual and moral values, there is a tendency for the Orthodox Church to increase its influence and pressure on the public consciousness of Russian citizens, including schoolchildren. In this connection, there is an urgent need to introduce counter-obstructive measures on the part of the "scientific world", especially aimed at minors - the most vulnerable category of citizens prone to joining any groups, trends (religious, etc.) and movements. In order to suppress the problem that has arisen, the author considers it necessary for natural science teachers (primarily chemists) to intensify scientific education of students, conduct systematic work to destroy all sorts of myths, quasi-facts and false representations of students, and contribute to improving the level of critical thinking of schoolchildren.


Atheistic education at school, scientific atheism, propaganda, education in chemistry class

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170203517   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-3-3-182-184

Статья научная