Academic and technical clubs for students and pupils at universities: efficacy criteria

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The paper presents the current issues of creating the methodological foundations of the additional education system development in the field of scientific and technical creativity on the university platform. Practice-oriented scientific and technical clubs of students' and pupils' creative development must be the territories for solving the high-level tasks associated with creating a fundamentally new system of engineering education in the country. Methodical bases of the estimation of efficiency of their activity were created using functional and stakeholders' approaches in order to develop a methodology aimed at finding mechanisms to improve their activities within the framework of the Federal Programme «Development of education». The presented methods were replicated within the framework of series of events held in October and November 2016, and approved on the basis of survey materials of 116 universities and in the 7 universities which became the pilot territories. The paper includes a description of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the practice-oriented scientific and technology clubs on the university platform based on a functional approach, in which each selected function corresponds to a system of indicators characterizing it. The system of functions has been formulated in accordance with the key vectors of development of the structures under study, following the definition of the concept. Stakeholders' approach that can be used as a base for the internal control of such clubs system has become another methodological basis of researching the effectiveness of practice-oriented scientific and technology clubs of students' and pupils' creative development. Thus, the key types of stakeholders and their contribution to the development of clubs and the expectations system, the satisfaction of which is an indicator of the effective activity of the structures have been discussed in the paper. The practical use of the above mentioned materials can significantly improve the efficiency of the practice-oriented scientific and technology clubs of students' and pupils' creative development, as these clubs allow us to identify difficulties in their development.


Practice-oriented scientific and technical club, scientific and technical creativity, estimation, efficiency, functional approach, stakeholders approach

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IDR: 142227067

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