Certain military features of the Siberian Tatar warriors at the end of the 16th century (based on materials gathered by G. F. Miller)

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Purpose. This article considers and analyzes certain features of armament and military science of the Siberian Tatar warriors, that are related to the time of campaign into Siberia of the Russian Cossacks troop under the command of ataman Ermak; these features were mentioned and researched according to data of the Russian Siberian chronicle sources by famous scientist, historian of the 18th Century, academician Gerhard Friedrich Müller. Results. It is pointed out, that several parts of the Siberian Tatar ruling elite were familiar with firearm and artillery action, and even tried unsuccessful to use artillery pieces, gained during a previous period in Kazan, against the Cossacks in the course of hostilities. However, there were no skilled artillerists among Siberian Tatars who could fire off their artillery pieces. Quite possibly, effective possession of firearms and artillery ensured the definite military superiority to the Cossacks at the time of military clashes with Siberian Tatar warriors during all time of the Cossack troop campaign into Siberia, led by ataman Ermak. Bitter disagreements and struggle for power, among different groups of Siberian Tatar nobility weaken its confronting of the Cossack troop. Gerhard Friedrich Müller drew on varied informative data, contained in the Russian Siberian annalistic historical sources, where it is described how the campaign of the Cossack troop, led by famous ataman Ermak, via mountain range of the Urals into Western Siberia to the territory of the Tatar Khanate of Siberia. That campaign took place upon the initiative of wealthy merchant clan of the Stroganovs. Conclusion. Several historical events are traced, that are related to the time of this campaign. Several substantive historical reasons are identified, including above all the dissociation among the Siberian Tatar elites, that did not allow to successfully confront the Cossacks in the struggle for preservation of the Tatar Khanate of Siberia.


Xvi в, siberia, 16th century, tatar khanate of siberia, siberian tatar warriors, cossacks, military science

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147220238

IDR: 147220238   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2020-19-7-257-262

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