New formats and technologies for organizing gastronomic event tours in the Caucasian Mineral Waters

Автор: Kolchugina Tatiana A., Davydenko Alina N.

Журнал: Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма @spst

Рубрика: Региональные студии туризма

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.15, 2021 года.

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The work is aimed at scientific and practical justifying the theoretical and methodological approaches to the event gastronomic tourism organization and assessing their impact on the socio-economic development of the region. The hypothesis of the study is in idea that event tourism can be an effective method of a socio-economic development of a tourist region and an important communication factor in attracting tourists. Providing a planned and systematic approach to the preparation and implementation of event activities, considering the vital interests of both tourists and the local population, is a key to success of event tourism. The events included in the program of the event gastronomic tour should be developed on the platform of identical regional gastronomic and cultural-historical resources, in accordance with a professionally developed scenario. The marketing strategy for promoting newsworthy events should be based on the principles of the interaction with the media on a mutually beneficial longterm basis and а subsequent summing up with replication of rewarding experience. Within the framework of the research, the authors have developed a methodological platform and a model concept for organizing newsworthy events of a gastronomic format, including organizational, marketing and production blocks. The artcle offers an effective program for the promotion of a gastronomic event and identifies its main marketing tools. As a result of the study, by methods of a system analysis, generalization and synthesis, the authors have developed technologies for organizing newsworthy events, and proposed an algorithm for assessing the effectiveness of the social and economic impact of event tourism on the economy and social environment of regions exemplified by the federal resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.


Event tourism, event, gastronomic tourism, event management, culinary festival, gastronomic identity, gastronomic brand, food project

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140290113   |   DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-4-73-83

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