Names for houses and some issues on their genesis in the traditional Khakass culture

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Purpose. The article is devoted to the study of nominating the items of traditional Khakass housing in the Sayan-Altai region. We considered difficult issues of their genesis focusing on a number of poorly researched types of housings. Results. The study analyzes the use of the names of traditional Khakass dwellings that are well-known in Ethnogra-phy, including their rare dialect nominations recorded by domestic ethnographers. It is noted that some nominations studied are used to determine a house as an object of material culture, whereas other nominations demonstrate a clarifying characteristic, which ultimately determines the differences in the nominations. We considered interpretations of the names of a number of nomad dwellings, such as the name of an archaic housing of taiga Khakass “ at ib ”. Genesis of the dwellings names is shown in relation to log housings (tura) and frame-pillar constructions (at ib, otah / otag) of the Khakass, which represents a modern trend of studying the Khakass’ material culture. Conclusion. It is necessary to classify the names of Khakass dwellings known by describing their types. A number of issues relating to the genesis and origin of the types of dwellings studied in relation to otah / otag is still open and requires more additional data. In our opinion, the problem of the genesis of the Khakass dwelling tura, which features a log wooden construction, has been solved and shows its autochthonous character.


Khakassia, khakass, traditional culture, housing, nominations, genesis

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IDR: 147220406   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2020-19-3-119-133

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