Regulatory and legal foundations of private higher education: potential, problems, prospects

Автор: Belikov V.A., Romanov P.Yu., Komissarova M.N.

Журнал: Современная высшая школа: инновационный аспект @journal-rbiu

Рубрика: Консультации специалиста

Статья в выпуске: 2 (64) т.16, 2024 года.

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Due to the growing interest in private education, the article presents the results of an analysis of the development of the private higher education system in Russia, highlights the main factors of its development: high demand by students and their parents, opportunities for teachers to earn money and income of entrepreneurs, apparent accessibility of admission and ease of study in private universities. At the same time, the authors do not identify the concepts and essence of private non-profit universities and paid education at a state university; they also consider it inappropriate to contrast these legal forms of higher education in modern conditions.The article states the fact of certain regulatory violations in the activities of private educational institutions (PEI), but notes that there are fewer of them every year and the effectiveness of education for students in private universities in many cases turns out to be higher in comparison with state universities, especially taking into account relationship between the price of education and the quality of education.Нормативно-правовые основания частного высшего образования: потенциал, проблемы, перспективыThe novelty of the materials presented in the article consists of the research results obtained by the authors: clarification of trends in the development of private higher education; identifying the main causes that determine the essence of the problems of private higher education and identifying ways to eliminate them; highlighting the main advantages of private education, allowing it to be considered as equivalent to public education in the Russian Federation.


Private education, private educational institutions, private universities, factors in the development of private education, advantages of private education, prospects for the development of private higher education

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IDR: 142241920

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