New development goals and national projects, version 3.0: what awaits the country and regions?
Автор: Volotskov A.
Журнал: Региональная экономика. Юг России @re-volsu
Рубрика: Фундаментальные исследования пространственной экономики
Статья в выпуске: 3 т.12, 2024 года.
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This article notes that the National Development Goals of Russia were first published in 2018, then adjusted twice (in 2020 and 2024). It is important that indirectly national projects are either directly (through federal projects) disaggregated at the regional level or have an indirect impact on them. The following decrees were analyzed: Decree No. 204 of May 7, 2018, “On National Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Development of the Russian Federation for the Period Until 2024,” and Decree No. 474 of July 21, 2020, “On the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the Period Until 2024.” The aforementioned decrees include those pertaining to the development goals of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030, as well as Decree No. 309 of May 7, 2024, entitled “On the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the Period Until 2030 and for the Future Until 2036.” It was noted that a number of other changes are expected due to the adoption of the new Decree No. 309. These include the updating of the spatial development strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030. In addition, a new unified plan to achieve national goals is being developed, which will serve as a “road map.” Finally, indicators for assessing the effectiveness of senior officials in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regional executive authorities are being adjusted.
National development goals, national projects, strategic priorities, territorial planning, targets
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IDR: 149146915 | DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2024.3.1