New data on Khakass' sacred objects - t"os (end XIX - mid XX centuries)

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Purpose. We studied patron spirits protecting the Khakass in their material manifestation which can be considered fetishes, such as Tamky chichen, Tongaza, Kizim, Moiyn, Chidil ( Shidil), Uun chigarykh, Khobytytkhan, Khypchylyg, Saryg, Tigir ang, Irlik, Kiigis, Chogarchy, Khyzyl sikpen, Töbinki, Pÿksÿn tös. To achieve this goal, we determined the fetishes' sacred significance and the role of ideology and ritual practices in the Khakass' lives, analyzed the fetishes' external characteristics and detected their variations as well as considered ways of people's ritual interactions with these sacred objects. Results. The chronological scope of our work covers the end of the XIX - mid XX centuries. Such a period was chosen primarily due to the availability of database sources relevant to the topic of our research. The main sources are archival and ethnographic materials that have not been systematically studied yet and are to be carefully analyzed. The tös cult is a phenomenon that arose and has existed in traditional environment, where relationships between the world, visible (rational) and invisible (irrational) forces are characterized by the absence of rigid boundaries. In the religious-mythological consciousness of the Khakass people, there is an idea of a red line dividing different worlds. Crossing this border should be accompanied with special rituals. Violation of these rules, in the opinion of the faithful, led to an imbalance in the nature and human life. For people, it meant some disasters and calamities. Ritual practices in this case focused on restoring the balance by eliminating contradictions between the worlds in order to protect people's vital interests. A huge role in this process was assigned to special people, including shamans, and to special objects which became fetishes, tös. In the traditional consciousness, they were perceived as powerful patron spirits. This fact contributed to their symbolization and fetishizing. Several variants of the symbolic images of the deities were represented in religious trappings. The set of objects considered fetishes was determined by subethnic specificity of their manufacturing, varying from one group of the Khakass to another (such as Sagayts, Kachints and Kyzylts). These idols were placed in different areas of the house depending on the traditions of different subethnic groups. Conclusion. The sacral functions of tös were extensive, including healing and protective properties as the most important ones. Each of the tös required special rituals and sacrifices, accompanied with periodic mandatory prayer requests. Implementation of the rituals was strictly regulated through special requirements for the performers, a special sequence of actions and special food provided for the idols.


Tradition, worldview, shamanism, cult, fetish, ritual, khakass, tös

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IDR: 147219592

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