Is the figure "suspected" in criminal proceedings needed?

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Introduction: the article is devoted to one of the debatable problems of domestic criminal procedural science - the problem of the advisability of including in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation a new participant in criminal proceedings - “suspected” and, accordingly, endowing him with an independent procedural status that is different from the status of a suspect. Materials and methods: the methodological basis of the study is the general dialectical method of cognition. The logical, systemic, structural and functional research methods are used, as well as methods of analysis, description and generalization. Results of the study: based on an analysis of normative and special literary sources, the author formulated some arguments that justify the inappropriateness of forming a special legal status of a suspected as an independent participant in criminal proceedings. Conclusions and results: it is concluded that the introduction of the “suspected” as a new participant in criminal proceedings in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation does not seem necessary and advisable, because, following the logic of the authors initiating his legalization, it is possible to expand the circle of participants in criminal proceedings in relation to whom the activities connected with their involvement in the commission of crime are carried out.


Preliminary verification of a crime report, participant in criminal proceedings, criminal prosecution, suspicion, suspect, suspected, involvement in a crime, actual detention, detainee, lawyer, defender

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143169662   |   DOI: 10.24411/2312-3184-2019-00030

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