On the functioning of institutions of the penal enforcement system in situations of a criminal nature

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The article reveals the specific features of the activities of institutions of the penal enforcement system of the Russian Federation in conditions and situations of a criminal nature. The author proposes an algorithm for the actions of the head of the correctional institution to notify and collect personnel, organize the work of the management body, conduct initial activities, collect further information, determine the concentration of main efforts for the actions of available forces and means, organize interaction and comprehensive provision, comply with personal and collective security measures.

Institutions of the penal enforcement system, phenomena of a criminal nature, the use of forces and means, tactical and special methods of action

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170203448

IDR: 170203448   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-3-1-84-86

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