On the need to introduce the institution of correspondence proceedings in the arbitration process of the Russian Federation

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This article discusses an urgent problem in the field of arbitration in the Russian Federation - the need to introduce the institution of correspondence proceedings. In the context of modern challenges and requirements to the judicial system, the author analyzes the shortcomings of current practice and suggests mechanisms for introducing correspondence proceedings into the arbitration process. The article discusses the pros and cons of this institution, its potential advantages for the judicial system, and also offers practical recommendations for its implementation and effective use. Ultimately, the author comes to the conclusion that the introduction of correspondence proceedings in the arbitration process of the Russian Federation can contribute to improving the efficiency and accessibility of justice for all participants.


Arbitration process, absentee proceedings, defendant, plaintiff, absence of a party, determination, non-appearance, valid reasons

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170204899

IDR: 170204899   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-4-2-73-75

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