The advantages of a new form of "cultural conservatism"

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The modern culture, in the form of postmodernism, is oriented to innovation as the antithesis of tradition, and the cultural tradition is perceived as inherently repressive mechanism of social regulation. The author shows the inadequacy of such a solution of the problem of correlation of tradition and innovation in culture, in which the methodological aspect and the historical one are identified. In this case, it is used to deduce a necessity of the abolition of the tradition itself from the historical limitations of the traditional patriarchal society. The prospects for the development of civil society is identified with a victory of the innovation over the tradition, or a victory of the creative moment over the regulatory moment in culture. The author points out the advantages of a new form of«cultural conservatism» in our relation to cultural heritage against the propaganda of the creative freedom in its nihilistic form. Such a conservatism as an actual manifestation of the dialectic of traditional and innovational can be the basis of modern cultural policy.


Culture, tradition, innovation, conservatism, postmodernism, nihilism, cosmopolitanism, globalization

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IDR: 14489718

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