About reform of high education

Автор: Škorić Sanja

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Review paper

Статья в выпуске: 11-12 vol.25, 2008 года.

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If we take a look at the historical development of high educational system in Serbia, we come to certain conclusions: - higher educational system in Serbia used to be based on very conservative basis, with the constant fear of changes and the possibility of the state being involved in it, as well. Since the high-class society was using its education for achieving its own goals, there was no point in considering the importance of education for the state as community. - it was believed that our higher educational system was limited by the constant lack of financial resources - there was a number of students' organizations, whose priority was not really protection of the students' rights. They operated periodically, for example in case an extra exam term was needed and they almost never had long-term goals, like improvement of the teaching process, revision of the existing curriculum… - beginning of '90s was marked by a break-down of SFRJ, the wars, economic destruction of the country, imposed sanctions, and then bombing by the end of the '90s. The consequences were inevitable in all aspects of life in Serbia, including higher educational system which suffered from a phenomenon called 'brain drain' and lost of the whole generation of young, educated and talented people. - entering 21st century meant the end of dark and pointless period. Rare attempts in initializing the changes in the system have become more frequent. New generation of youth has set off towards progress and European integrations. However, our system needs more than just a wish for changing. Actions and persistence will give results in the years which are yet to come. In order to make a step forward in developing higher educational system In Serbia, we should follow the experiences and results of developed countries together with our tradition in education. We must be aware of the fact that we are not creating a new educational system, but reforming the existing one, which may require additional effort. Transparency of revision and reform must be clearly defined and comprehensible to all of those who want to take part in it. Educating youth, and people at different ages is crucial for democratic development of the country, its economic recovery and awareness of true values, which were almost forgotten in the years of war and isolation. To sum up - 'Years of temptations are ahead of us and if we are willing to struggle, we can expect only good results to follow'.


Reform of high education, Bologna process, possessive regime of high educational institutions, quality of teaching process, accreditation, high education and employment

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170202777

IDR: 170202777

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