About the recommended list of domestic and foreign literature for independent study for children and adolescents: axiological approach in the context of modern realities

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This article is devoted to rethinking the composition of the hundreds of books recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for schoolchildren to read independently - the so-called “Putin’s list”, published on January 16, 2013, as well as the list of 100 books of foreign literature published on January 23, 2013, compiled The Union of Writers of Russia - lists that were not further correlated. Using the example of a brief analysis of several works ("How the Steel Was Tempered" by N.A. Ostrovsky; "The Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love" by R. Fraerman; "1984" by J. Orwell, etc.), the expediency/inexpediency of inclusion is indicated some authors and works in these lists today - either from the point of view of low relevance, artistic value, or from the point of view of the need to study them exclusively under the guidance of experienced teachers. In this study, the author relied, in particular, on the theory of generations, which also needs to be taken into account if the tasks of the most effective spiritual, moral and patriotic education of youth are set at the state level, despite the fact that over the past decade, in the light of the geopolitical situation, the value guidelines of Russians. All of the above factors are important to take into account when preparing future literature teachers in pedagogical universities.


«on the list of “100 books” on the history, culture and literature of the peoples of the russian federation», 100 books of foreign literature according to the union of writers of Russia, «dikaia sobaka dingo» («the wild dog dingo, or the tale of first love»), r. fraerman, j. orwell, «kak zakalialas' stal'» («how the steel was tempered»)n.a. ostrovsky


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148328944

IDR: 148328944   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-95-62-73

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