On the role of higher education in the value orientations and social mobility of young people in Russia

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In this article the authors examine the current trends of the changing role of higher education in the value orientations and social mobility of young people in Russia. Starting from the main life values of students - health, financial well-being, career, friends, position in society, and based on the results of sociological research, the authors show significant changes in the hierarchy of spiritual ideals and values of the students. Clarifying these changes on the example of the results of the survey of university students, the authors attribute their long-term goals and objectives in the field of youth policy, development, education and culture. On that basis are designated program areas improving the socio-educational work at the university.


Higher education, value orientation, students, social mobility, personal potential, culture, spirituality, government, politics, society, Russia

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14489931

IDR: 14489931

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