About special assessment of working conditions

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Special assessment of working conditions is a uniform complex of consistently carried out actions for identification of harmful and/or dangerous factors of the production environment and labor process, an assessment of level of their impact on the worker taking into account a deviation of their actual values from the established standards. The employer creates the commission, approves the schedule of carrying out a special assessment of working conditions, makes the list of all working places for identification of dangerous and harmful factors of the production environment which are subject to a tool assessment for the purpose of determination of the actual values of their parameters. Identification of potentially harmful and dangerous production factors is carried out by the expert of the specialized organization. He studies technical (operational) documentation on the production equipment used by the worker on a working place, the duty regulations and other documents regulating the wooer's duties, results of the researches (tests) and measurements of harmful and dangerous factors which have already occurred on this working place. Besides, the expert has the right to examine a working place of the employee, to examine the works which are actually carried out by it in the mode of regular work to interrogate the worker and his direct heads. With participation of the authorized official of the employer and representative of trade-union or other representative body of workers the expert can carry out questioning (poll) of workers. The recommended samples of questionnaires are given in the article. The purpose of the study is ensuring quality of carrying out a special assessment by means of preliminary questioning of workers about working conditions, means of individual protection according to record in the personal card of the accounting of their delivery, compliance to their standard norms of delivery for the worker of the corresponding profession (position), and also to the existing certificates of conformity, and registration of results of questioning. The method of preliminary questioning is recommended first of all for those working places on which performed works are connected with the use of the various equipment, devices, adaptations, materials, technologies and so on. The results of poll can be used at reference of working conditions on working places on the degree of harm and danger to classes (subclasses) to acquaintance of workers with working conditions, carrying out preventive actions for decrease in professional risk, confirmation or cancellation of the right of providing compensations to the workers occupied on a hard work and works with harmful and dangerous working conditions. Besides, it will promote receiving reliable results and reducing disputable situations after the workers’ acquaintance with the results of a special assessment of working conditions.


Special assessment, working conditions, danger, production environment, labor process

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14084116

IDR: 14084116

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