On the methods of semantization of profile-oriented vocabulary in foreign language lessons in a non-linguistic university

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The article touches upon objective linguistic and extralinguistic factors influencing the formation of lexical skills among technical university students. The study presents the most effective non-translation ways of semantization of new vocabulary related to the professional field, accompanied by examples from teaching practice, such as definition, context, use of illustrative imagery and etymological analysis. The article demonstrates the pros and cons of each method, emphasizing the possibility of using them according to the principle of complementarity. In addition, the author points out the need to develop a terminological thesaurus among students as a basis for developing reading, translation, listening, speaking and writing skills.


Profile-oriented teaching of a foreign language, lexical skill, semantization, development of language competence, terminological vocabulary

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170205256

IDR: 170205256   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-5-4-234-237

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