About the use of technology of rating in the university system of material incentives for lecturers

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This article falls under the case category and describes the experience of creating a financial stimulation system for teaching staff at the Technological Institute named after N. N, Polikarpov (part of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev), unveiling the gist of implemented technologies of rating evaluation of teaching staff professional activities in the intra-university system of staff material stimulation. The importance of creating teaching staff material stimulation has grown because of a shift towards new labor payment system in the educational sphere which has considerably broadened opportunities for stimulating employers' activities, urging them to improve professional skills and therefore leading to higher quality of their educational services. Implementing differentiated approach to teaching staff salary requires quantitative evaluation of the results of their professional activities. In order to achieve that it is reasonable to use intra-university rating system which is a traditional practice for many Russian universities. The aim of this article is to form a technology for creating material stimulation system for university employees based on rating evaluation of their professional activities. In order to achieve the stated aim authors suggest using the methods of interpreting rating information based on individual qualimetric scales (individual for each rating list). The use of suggested technology in the framework of university management facilitates creation of competitive environment and ensures positive psychological and pedagogical influence of intra-university financial stimulation on the growth of teaching staff professional level and improvement of their activities. Practical recommendations on creating university system of financial stimulation for teaching staff requires complex approach in creating intra-university monitoring system that covers initial input on professional activities of employees, creation of correct rating evaluation scale (on the basis of collected data) and use of rating evaluation on the basis of suggested method. A new element in the suggested technology is the method of interpreting teaching staff rating evaluation using individual qualimetric scales.


Higher education institution, rating system, interpretation of the rating evaluation, evaluation of lecturer's activities, bonus system

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142227051

IDR: 142227051

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