On the importance of humanitarian knowledge at the present stage

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The article analyzes the current state and position of humanitarian knowledge, its significance and value in society. The authors point out that the semantic space of the term "humanitarian knowledge" is multivariant and includes both the totality of the content of all humanitarian directions and a block of humanitarian disciplines. It is emphasized that the complexity of research in the humanitarian field is related to the subject of her research, which is society. The factors influencing its development are so diverse and diverse that it is not easy to reduce them into a certain system. Humanitarian knowledge often deals with intangible things, and this makes it possible for skeptics to compare it with art rather than with exact scientific disciplines. The opinion that the humanities do not bring concrete benefits often has an impact on education policy when natural science and technical areas are seen as priorities. In conclusion, it is emphasized that the potential of humanitarian knowledge consists in the possibility of comparing the diverse points of view and worldviews inherent in modern society, contributes to a better understanding of the processes taking place in modern society. The main goal of humanitarian education is not only to get acquainted with specific knowledge, but also to learn how to reflect.


Modern culture, humanitarian knowledge

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144162930

IDR: 144162930   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2023-5115-34-40

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