About of a unified understanding of the competence-based learning technology in a higher medical education

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In accordance with modern regulatory requirements of the educational policy of the Russian state, the implementation of the competence-based approach and the search for means and ways of its implementation in higher and postgraduate medical education is relevant. However, the lack of a sufficient scientific and methodological basis for its validity, taking into account the existing realities and continuous modernization of not only the system of higher medical education, but also the health care industry, which is the primary consumer of its graduates, makes these processes ambiguous and problematic. Four main principles of the competence-based paradigm of education are set out in relation to the training of students of a medical university at the preclinical stage of training. Time variation is one of the main and essential criteria of the competence-based approach in education, the competence-based approach also implies mandatory and widespread use of all the possibilities of modern teaching and learning technologies. The basic principle of the competence-based educational paradigm is a change in the role of teachers and the need to determine the content of competencies, the development of reliable criteria for their assessment. It is emphasized that full implementation of all basic principles of the competence-based paradigm of education in the current conditions and traditions of the national medical school is impossible for a number of reasons. The requirements for the formation of professional competencies are analyzed using the example of a set of competencies developed by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada for general practitioners and the role of medical and biological (morphological) departments at the preclinical stage of higher medical education in this. The conclusions emphasize the need to implement a unified understanding of the principles and essence of competence-based training by teachers of morphological departments, as specialists who lay the professional foundation for subsequent medical activity, as well as the need to study the effectiveness of the implementation of the competence-based educational paradigm based on a corresponding comparison with the results of the implementation of other educational technologies. A state unified system of advanced primary and periodic training for teachers of the medical universities training should also be implemented within the framework of programs, with unified terminology, concepts, principles and requirements.


Higher medical education, competency-based learning, morphological departments, biomedicine disciplines, medical teachers perfecting of qualifications

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143183615

IDR: 143183615   |   DOI: 10.20340/mv-mn.2024.32(2).877

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